Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Big To-Do: Bedroom

This room needs a lot a lot a lot of love. At least that's what I thought when I first starting writing this. And before I could even finish the post about what needs to be done, I've made a ridiculous amount of progress.

For example first thing on the list was a bed frame. As at the time it was box spring and mattress on the floor.  Followed closely by new nightstands. And a dresser. And while at the thrift store for something completely different we lucked upon really good deals on all of the above. Want to see? Too bad, it was so amazing it worth a whole post of its own, as soon as I finish painting the bed. Which should be soon. I hope.

Still on the list we have:

  • Light fixture. Its a bare bulb and omg is it bright. I have to lay certain ways or go blind. 
  • Curtains. They are going to be freaking fantastic. Just have to have John cut the wood for me, and find some cute fabric. Lots of cute fabric. Like 15 feet wide and 8 feet long.
  • Closet doors must be fixed. The cats can push them open and climb up my clothes. Actually, I might be able to fix them in like 5 minutes with the leftover wood from the bed project. Be right back. It just might work. Once I can find what I did with the screws. Oh well.
  • Need art. This room is so white and dull. Must have more color. The curtains with make a huge difference, but I also need some other stuff up on the walls. Maybe I'll pick up a few canvases tomorrow. 
So not nearly as much as was on the list before we hit gold at St. Vincent De Paul. Yay, its starting to look like a bedroom! Rather than a storage room for boxes with a mattress thrown in.

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