Welcome to My Brain (aka About Me)

Hi there! My name is Lora and I am horrible at "about me" sections.

I just got an apartment with my fabulous husband-to-be and our 3 cats. Its a bit of a dump. But I'm working on that.

Me and the fabulous husband-to-be at the Minnesota State Fair the first time he took me to visit his state of origin.  It was weird. They have an obsession with putting food on sticks. No joke, I have pictures of booths selling everything from pizza to fried fruit. On a stick. I don't get it.

One of my kitties. This is Lag (aka Velcro). She is sitting on my arms right now making this difficult to type. It is nearly impossible to get a pic of all three of them together. I have one, but its on the phone so I can't get it right now. If I get up this kitty is going to be very unhappy. 

Some words commonly used to describe me: artsy fartsy, creative, unique, thrifty, spaz, and geek. There are some that are used more often, but they're not exactly PG. :-P

I absolutely LOVE doing crafty stuffs. All kinds of crafty stuffs. Short list, I; paint, draw, knit, sew, redo furniture, build stuff, make jewelry, and all kinds of other random crafty things. And I'm quite thrifty about it too. Some of my best projects cost me nothing at all! You'd be surprised at all the amazing things you can make if you just learn to look at things differently. How am I so thrifty? I redo things I already have, get stuff for free, frequent thrift stores and Craigslist, and I've even been known to dive the occasional dumpster.

So welcome to my blog. Its crafty. Its kinda random. And just a bit odd. Like me!

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