Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Big To Do: Living Room

John and I just moved into our new apartment recently. As in so recently we haven't even gotten all of our stuff moved in yet. So most of my craftiness and thriftiness is being put to use putting this place together. There are half unpacked boxes everywhere, but we don't even have all of our furniture yet to put stuff where it belongs. Basically, this place is a wreck! So here's the short list of what I need to get done in this place to really make it ours. And its a rather long "short list".

Right now this is the only lighting in the room. Of course there is natural light with the nice big window, but not once the curtains go up. And lets be honest here; I'm pretty much nocturnal. If there is sun streaming through those windows, I'm most likely hiding under a blanket snoring. Something has to be done with this problem, the sooner the better.

Coffee Table
This table was my absolute favorite price: FREE (thanks mom!) But it could use a bit of work. Structurally solid, but lacking style. And the top is all scratched up since in its former life it was a place to stack firewood.  Have not decided exactly what to do with it yet, but I've got a few (and by a few I mean 20) ideas.

Area Rug
See the one in the picture up there? The lighting is kinda bad in it (see first point: I need lights!!!) but it perfectly captures the hideousness of this rug. Thats right, its not a trick of the camera. Someone really made an area rug in that color. Its greenish, grayish, blueish. Basically; its fugly. But can't beat that FREE price tag; whoever lived here before us left it behind, and I can see why. Left 3 of them behind to be exact. But its functional. And for now there are more pressing things to be done here. (LIGHTS)

Pink on pink stripes? No thank you. Great condition, cute style, $12? Yes please. I'll reupholster this baby and boy oh boy will she be pretty. Well a bit more work than that. I've got plans for this one. (Imagine me saying that in a Dr. Evil kind of voice while stroking my chin. Creepy, huh?)

The Half Wall
I love my little half wall. Well, I love the way I see it in my head anyways. How it currently looks is dull and sad. Imagine this with an L shaped sectional, floating shelves on the wall for my books and pretties, and family pictures all framed in black. Fabulous, isn't it? Or would that be; fabulous, won't it be? Sounds a bit Yoda-ish. You know what I mean. Its going to be ah-maa-zing! .

Also with all that stuff unpacked and put up nice and neatly where it belongs.

Portable Mudroom
Found the term while looking for inspiration on this project. Sounds much nicer than what was originally on the list: "Bench/ Shoe Organizer/ Coat Rack Thingy So I Stop Tripping Over Someone's Size 14 Boots". Portable mudroom sounds a bit classier. And less rambly. Right now I've got shoes on the floor and a chair coats are thrown on.

Not so classy

Entertainment Center
I've been searching all over, but still have not found one that meets all three criteria.
1. Fits the tv
2. Sturdy enough to hold the tv without imploding into itself
3. Less than $100
I'm still looking, but I may end up having to build it from scratch. Doable, but not too high on the list right now, since we have something that functions for now. Looking at the picture though, I can at least run the wires better. Note to self: never let John set up anything that has wires.

Computer Desk
This one is complete! Finished it last night. But no pictures for you! That's a whole post in itself. Coming soon: my first tutorial. Yay! And it is fabulous if I do say so myself. Like such a transformation that my friend who saw it before came in when I was finishing it and thought it was a completely different piece of furniture. Thanks L for the ego boost!

My Crafting Corner
This is the big one. The most important part of the room. I need a space to do all my crafty stuff. I have an awesome desk (again FREE, thanks to my wonderful Uncle) but I need more space. I'm thinking of turning it  so it sticks out of the wall, putting a dresser or another desk against the wall so I've got an L shaped work surface and lots more storage. I need lots and lots more storage. I haven't even been able to bring over all my supplies because there is nowhere to put them where the cats won't roll in all my yarn or paint themselves pink (again). For now, this is what I have to work with. Or work ON I suppose.

That's a nice long list of stuff to do. And that's only the first room. This might take a while. Well back to work I go then. 

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